Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Change is Emminent

     The fact is people do not like change.  Good change or bad change people just don't like change.  Yet the change is emminent.  Something is going to change.  Neighborhoods change, work changes, processes change, money changes, prices change, many things change in this world.  We know that President Obama is currently trying to change a lot of things, Our Health Care, Our Tax Liabilities, Our School Days and much more.  There is no doubt that the Democrats who have long waited for this majority moment is comming in like a strom to change a lot of things.  Then there are people who are shocked and are constantly resisting any change.  Even if we need it.
      We need to be careful that we do not fall into the same catagory as the Pharisees who felt like Jesus was making too many changes too fast.  I in no way am trying to compare what Jesus is doing with Obama but rather that, I believe that we can become a Pharisee by resisting even good change. 
      When God makes changes in your life how do you react?  Sometimes changes need to be made to better us.  So remember to really analyze the changes and ask yourself whether this is really good or not.  Then and only then should you come up with an opinion.  Remember this, sometimes God uses your enemies to make changes in your life.  I know in my life that without my enemies we would not have had what we have.  It was due to God using them that made us move strong and stand stronger and aquire what we got.  All things work together for Good to those who love God! 

Monday, September 28, 2009

The Constant Struggle

     Last week a cousin of mine called me up and asked me if I was interested in a Beagle Puppy.  He stated it was full blood beagle and that someone gave it to him and since his family lives in a small condo he could not keep it.  I thought sure.  I mean a beagle usually run around $250-$800.00 and free is good.  Of course Freeonly becomes free for so long until you have to buy the food, crate, treats, shampoos and so forth.  Anyway to get to the point.  We are housetraining this puppy and let me say, during this time God is giving me patience.  One of the factors of house training a puppy is the fact that you have to constantly be watching the puppy and since we are crating the puppy we hve to take him outside every 3 hours to show him that you have to go outside and not inside or in the crate.  Let me just say, Thank God for Tile Floors.  If you do not watch after the dog he can not hold it and iwll make a mess in his cage.  So being consistant is important. 
     Living the Christian life is just like that.  You have to constantly think about your life, your speech, your attitude and then you have to practice it.  If you do not you will find that you will have a big mess.  Many peoples lives are a big mess because they refuse to tend or shall I say, place on a leash their life.  Their inner sin goes crazy and ends up messing everything up.  Let me say that the time you spend watching your life and reading and praying is much easier then having to clean up after you when you have not tended to it.
     Eventually, my puppy will grow and know what to do.  He will mature and through discipline he will make no messes or less messes.  This is also true to all those who live a disicplined life for God!!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

The Credit Card of Sin

     A credit card can be a blessing or it can be a curse.  When people get a credit card they go and start to buy things.  They spend money and place it on the card racking their credit.  They bring the product home and it is very pleasurable.  They use it for a while and then after a while then that New Feeling wears away.  This usually happens way before the bill for the credit card comes in.  When the bill comes in they find that all that stuff they bought is very very expensive especially with the high interest rates, fees and so forth.  After a while many people just can't pay it anymore.  People go into debt and that which brought them joy for awhile is now threatening and harassing their lifestyle with creditors calling and demanding payments and threatening lawsuits.  The repo man comes and begins to take it all back.  Relationship are stressed and even in some cases broken. 
     There is a card like that which works spiritually.  People live their lives anyway they wish.  Drinking, Smoking, Fornicating, Adultery, Pornography, Jealousy, Anger, Wrath and so forth.  It seems pleasurable for a moment until the bill comes in.  Let me just say that the interest rates are very very high.  In some cases the interest rates includes a destroyed marriage, relationships broken and in some case death.  The Sin MASTERCARD is one Credit Card you do not want to use. 
     We had such a card at one time but Jesus Christ came and wiped away the debt and gave us a new start.  We thank God for his payment in full.  Now it is up to us to listen to His voice and make sure that every offer that comes to us to get a Credit Card is one we decline, even if it is pre-paid.  And believe me the offers will come!  By the way, when it comes to sin there is no such thing as a 0% intrest rate.  May Christ Keep You!  

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Thank You For Your Prayers

     As many of you know ever since we bagan worshipping at my home we have been harassed, threatened and even accussed of doing things we did not do.  It can really make someone angry and even upset, but one thing I have learned is that the Words of God are so much greater than any emotion.  Jesus stated, "Forgive them for they know not what they do."  Here is Our Lord forgiving those who are crucifying and even mocking them.  These words have helped me to be able to keep a soft heart, compassion and consideration to those who are against us from worshipping at our home.  There is no one perfect.  Even myself.  Yeah I know that is a shock to some, but really, everyone has made mistakes.  One day the Lord will reveal all things to all people.  Yesterday in court I began thinking of my brothers and sisters in Christ who was in court for breaking the law.  Thier crime?  Preaching and Teaching the Gospel without a permit from their government.  The difference is....They faced death and I do not.  So death or no death I have learned and am learning to be strong and faithful even in times like this.  God has given my wife and I such a peace that we can truly count it all joy because we are in court, not because we are theives, or murderers or adulterers but because we are Christians worshipping God at our home and with a true heart that we have have love for those around us.   God Keep Us!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Coincidence or Godincidence

    What if God had a message for you and then not even 2 minutes later another person came and gave the same message?  Would it be a coincidence or a Godincidence?  So many people dismiss the messages that God gives because they believe this was just by coincidence.  God had warned the Babylonian Kings over and over again but they refused to listen.  Finally God gave them the message loud and clear by having Persia come in and invade and untimatly take over.  What will it take for our governament to realize that God is speaking and we are not just some right wing, conservative, fanitical, religious folk who are giving our opinion?  I guess God knows and they will have to find out.  I hope before it is too late!  May God bless our city, state, nation and country and open the eyes of our heart.

The Right To Worship

     Every morning I get up ready to begin my day.  I wake-up the kids, take a shower and get dressed ready to go to the office.  I begin by reading the scripture for the day, my devotionals and some study, then as fast as the day begins it ends.  From dealing with businesses throughout the United States to going to pick up the kids from school the work day is finished.  I get home where my home is the safe haven and I am the prince of the castle.  Of Course Jesus is the King.  The rest of the day I enjoy meeting with my friends, family and other brothers and sisters in Christ and occasionally a good movie.  Then I spend a couple of days during the week where my guest come to my home and worship with me as we celebrate the day the Lord has Made!  This is what it means to be a Christian who lives in America.  Protected to worship God in the privacy of your home with your family, friends and guests.  Is that against the law?  Should people who gather in their home under Christ be different than those who gather under superbowl, or new years, or Christmas.  I thank God that through his Provisions and Providence He forknew to place in the heart of our founding fathers the 1st Amendment!  Thank you Jesus. 

Friday, September 18, 2009

Jack Black Prays To The Devil At The Music Awards

     I just received a note today that Jack Black prayed to the Devil at the MTV music awards.  Looking at many of the comments on a Christian website, people were offended.  Why?  You have to be spiritually retarded not to know that Jack Black and many others in Hollywood worship Satan.  Have you seen this guys movies.  I am offended that Christians would watch the MTV music awards in the first place.  I am not at all shocked that Jack Black prayed to the devil.  As a matter of fact I expected it.  I did not watch the awards and personnally don't care for them but what I saw in a report was that many held hands and chanted with him the words.  Something good did come out of this.  Many Christians became very offended and stated that I will never watch MTV again.  PRAISE GOD!!  Thank you Lord for revealing to your children the truth.  Now I pray many will stand on that promise. 

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Media & Faith

     This morning while watching CNN a broadcaster came out in one of the reports to report that the U.S. states that the Recession is over.  So she continued saying that a couple more times.  Then she showed a poll where 86% said Disagreed and 14% Agreed.
     When you come to think about it, it was the media that sort of started the scare in the first place.  Whatever they say to people, people act upon it.  So when the media speaks the people change.  So I guess we are out of a recession and if not we will be. 
     This is the same power God gives Christians in their life.  When you pray believe you will receive and so you shall.  Faith is stepping up to the plate when the world and circumstance have not, yet.  It is stating victory and trust in a God who is able to move and change all things.  To trust fully in a God who knows the heart of man.  That is Faith.  So today, put your faith in God and trust in him fully.  Let your words and heart proceed your results.  In Christ.

Pastor Michael

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

How should Christians treat each other?

With the upmost respect and hospitality.  Christians in America lack a crucial ingredient to Christianity, the spirit of Sacrifice.  Christians are to help other Christians not come against them.  Christians are to support other Christians not be on the side line watching.  Jesus says this is how they will know you are MY disciples because your love for one another.  One of these days, there will be a day, when God will judge this world and it will all begin in the house of God.  God will get rid of all those fake professor imposters and make his bride one without spot or blemish.  Until then may we search our hearts and may we be found in Him, through love for one another.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Halloween and Christians

     I have always had a view that Christians should not celebrate Halloween or even look like they celebrate it.  I know that there are people out there who say things like, "Oh come on it is all in fun."  I understand their point very clearly.  I remember as a child my mother used to dress us up and we used to go out and collect candy.  We never danced around the fire or did a chant around a pentagram, we just had fun.  So what is the deal and why are we so uptight about Halloween?
     When we did these things we were ignorant to Halloween and what it really means and how we should have acted.  Halloween promotes death and fear.  That is why when Halloween comes around horror movies are on television.  The masks and costumes are mostly darkening, scary and death.  Evil, death and fear are exalted during this holiday.  What are Christians supposed to do?  Should we participate in this?  Should make light of it?  What does the Bible say? 

Ephesians 5:11 Do not participate in the unfruitful deeds of darkness, but rather reprove them.

The word reprove means that we should rebuke it or hate it.  In other words don't participate in the deeds of darkness but rather stand up against it.   

Does dressing up and going to a church costume party during Halloween a reproving?  Does dressing up and going out to a halloween party and collecting candy because it is fun, reproving the works of darkness?  How are you standing against the deeds of darkness while you yourself are dressed up and going to a halloween party?  How are you standing against the works and deeds of darkness while you are handing out candy?  If a child dressed as a ghost , ghoul or vampire comes to your door and you give them candy, what is the message you are giving? 

This is a lot to think about so I will comment more on it later.  Meanwhile Christians need to stand against the works of darkness and show the light of God. 

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Jim Pouillon - Pro-lifer Killed

     On September 11th, 2009 a prolifer named Jim Pouillon was shot and killed while holding an anti-abortion sign in front of a school on Friday morning.  A gun man walked up to him and shot him 3 times in the chest in front of all the children going to school.  Now here is the sick part.  NO news station except for FOX even mentioned it or were outraged by it.  When George Tiller who killed 1000's of babies was shot and killed people were outraged.  The media flew off the handle.  Even the President came out and said something about. 
     This goes to prove the world is sick and going to HELL.  How in Jesus Name did the people become so perverted and turn away from God?  May God bring His wrath upon the nation that rejoices when those who are called by his named are killed!  This nation and these people are sick.  People come against churches, they come against the people of God, they ignore those who are killed for His name, and they think they are fine and right in their own eyes.  God will bring vengence upon the world by His fire.  They will deserve every bit of Hell that God is bringing with Him.  If you are reading this and you have not repented for your sin.  You need to Repent.  You need to ask God to forgive you before He returns.

Pastor Michael

Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Busy Life

People get so busy doing nothing.  I mean when we think about it why are people working so hard to accomplish.  I have learned that whatever you are excited about now will soon diminish and what you are also sad about now will also diminish.  God has made life a balance so that we can always just focus on Him.  No matter what happens in life whether good or bad we need to rememebr that God is in control. 

God Bless You,

Pastor Michael Salman

Monday, September 7, 2009

Camping & New Audio

     Grace to you and peace from God our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ.  This weekend after worship my family and I went camping.  It was very nice.  The weather was in the 80's and the low was about 50.  It was very nice.  Much better than last time we went.  Less Bugs and More Help!!  Pastor Toby and Sandy went along with us.  One of the funniest encounters occurred at 2 am in the morning.  I had to use the restroom which was about 100 feet away.  I tried to find the flashlight which was hidden somewhere but to no avail.  Since it was a full moon I thought I would make it without the flashlight.  I could not find my knife or pepper spray just in case something were to attack so I decide to take with me a Mashmallow Roaster, a clorox wipe to clean the seat and a lot of prayer.  When I got to the restroom I realized that once the door was shut it became pitch dark.  So I prayed even harder there was nothing there, in the toilet.  When concluding my trip I reached for the toilet paper.  Now, what I forgot was that I had the Mashmallow Roaster in my hand which is about 2 feet long.  While I reached for the toilet paper it snagged a plastic garbage bag that rustled and moved and let me just say I jumped so fast I would have made Michael Jordan look like an ameature.  To say the lest I then realized that I was the person responsible, finished quickly, washed my hands and with a slight bit faster walk made it back to the tent.  Now that was probably one of the closest encounters I had with wildlife.  When I think about this it makes me realize that many of the fears we have are self driven.  Fear that we have caused ourselves because we decide to take with us doubt.  Let go of doubt and hang on the promises of God and you will find that the fear you have will all go away.  If God be for us who can be against us!!!  More to come......There is a new audio sermon - Matthew 17.  Check it out!  You will be blessed.  The Grace of our Lord Be With You!    

Saturday, September 5, 2009

God's Cares About The Little Things

As many of you know my family and I have been looking for a 12 passenger van for a long time.  We have shopped and shopped and finally by the grace of God we found one.  It is awesome.  God is so good.  It is a 12 passenger very very clean.  Runs great.  It comes with 1 year of Free Maintainance and backed by a very strong warranty.  We love it!  The best thing about it we got it for 1/2 of the price that you would regularly pay for one.  NO KIDDING!  Like "1/2" Like "half" Like "split in 2" Like "50% off."  The story is so funny that when we found it we thought for sure this was a gimmick, that when we went to see it I even brought with me my video camera just to capture any funny business.  When I got there, I could not believe my eyes.  It was one of my relatives, through marriage, that was selling it.  When I saw him, we laughed like crazy.  We start to talk about things and family that we totally forgot about the van.  I asked him what the deal was and he said, he just felt like he needed to sell it.  I told him Praise God.  Now here is the funny thing.  He posted it at 1:30 pm while my wife was on the internet.  She thought just by a fluke she would check and suddenly there it was at 1:30pm.  He later told my wife he knew that the Van was worth way more but he felt pressed to put it up at this price for some reason.  Oh it gets better.  About 1 week earlier I told my wife that if we saw a van for around this price we would buy it.  She said to me it was impossible, her exact words were "Yeah Right, only by God."  Well, there it was right before our eyes.  Thank you God!  LOL!!!!!!   

SWINE FLU H1N1 Vaccine

     Today I was watching television when I turned to CNN there was an informercial.  Now this informercial lasted for 1 hour.  In actuality it was not an informercial but it sure sounded like one.  This Doctor William Shafner came out and pushed the H1N1 vaccination like it was an informercial.  Let me say that the Drug companies are going to be very very rich.  Who started this swine flu?  Where did it come from?  Who says that the drug companies did not start this only to now sell this vaccine?  Now believe me I am not that much of a conspiracy theorist but there is something funny about this swine flu and especially with this H1N1 vaccination.
     Let me give you my advice.  Wash your hands after you come back from public.  Especially when you eat and after you use the restroom.  Pray over your food and your family and seek God's face for protection.  Take vitamin B complex.  Eat a spoon full of pure honey.  Take care of yourself.
     Don't get stuck in the hype and the fear that media will place on people for the sake of the drug companies.  Believe they are going to scare you to death.  For we do not have the spirit of fear but of power and love and of a sound mind.  God will bring all things to light and he will judge the heart of man.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

God Made The Devil Pay!

I love a story about an old lady who would come out of her home every morning and Praise God. She had a neighbor who was an atheist and he would come out and yell at her that there was no God. One day this lady came out and started to pray out loud that she was out of food and needed food. The next morning when she opened her door, there on her porch was 4 bags of groceries. She bagan to praise God! All of a sudden her neighbor jumped out from the bushes and yelled, "Got ya, God didn't get those for you I did." The lady then bagan to praise God louder saying, "God you not only got me the groceries but you made the devil pay for them."

No devil on earth can beat God in the Chess of Life. God is already many moves ahead of them and us. We thank God that we are on the right side. Thank you Jesus.

Remember that when the enemy rises against you, God will ALWAYS make them pay and sometimes with interest. Praise God!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The Killers Within

Grace to you and peace from God our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ. Last Night I was watching a documentary on Ted Bundy. Here is a man that escaped from prison 2 times and found himself committing the same crimes over and over again. A statement was made by him when he was caught for the last time. "He wanted to die"
When we think of men like Bundy or Hitler we become repulsed of how people can be so evil. The fact is there are evil people all over who have no sense of love, respect or peace. The bible says, "That there is none that seeks God no not one." Being a Christian these behaviours can almost make you as they are but thanks to the grace of god and His Holy Spirit we are contained in His presence. When someone says to me that people in general are good that statement can only be said because of God's Mercy. The fact is people are evil from birth. Imagine a child that is 18 months old who decides they want something you have. They are persistent. The fact is if that 18 month old child in his natural state had the strength of a man they would take what they want and leave you a bloody mess with no remorse. That is the nature of humanity. If it were left to some people in this world many of us would be dead. It is only by the Grace and Mercy of God are we alive. It is because of God we stand where we stand. Thanks be to God for his never ending love and his Holy Spirit that protects us and contains humanity. There will be a day thou when man will return to his brutal state and they will persecute those who believe in His Name. It is already happening now. Maranatha...Come Oh Lord Come. Please continue to pray for my family and for us reaching to the Lost. We know that Jesus Christ is King or all Kings.