Friday, June 22, 2012

Free By Him!

     When we think of the wonderful things of God and the great stories in the bible we truly see the power of God.  When these things happen to you, you actually feel the power of God.  While there are those who would love to see me in jail for reasons unknown God, says, "No!" at least not now and we pray not ever.  There are of course those jokers out there who do not care about God or His people and all I have to say is we are sad for you.  It is to bad that they do not know God like we do and we can only pray that they would come to understand that God is awsome.  Even though Suzanne and I have never had any of our guests who come cause any traffic, noise or parking issues we are called and considered terrorists to some.  I guess if you were communistic or unamerican or satanic or all of the above you call us terrorist.  If people practicing their God given rights on their property in America which allows such gatherings by the Consititution is terrorism to you, then you need to move.  We live in America.  May our Lord Jesus Christ Bless us and use us!!  The City of Phoenix is our City and we know God has placed some great people in it.  In leadership and in residence.  May God raise them up to stand strong for the people of God!