Wednesday, October 29, 2014

A Reminder That Can Change Your Purpose....

     While driving down down road this morning, completing my morning errands, I was presented an opportunity that I normal would not have considered. Out of the corner of my eye I spotted an older lady sitting on the side of a building with a couple of suitcases and a bag.  She looked like she may have just woke up from sleeping on the side of the street.  I continued on my journey and then I began to wonder if anyone had ever told this lady that there is hope in Christ and asked her if she needed any help.  I did not want to think about it anymore since I was kind of in a little hurry to get back to my base.  Then something spoke and said, "Why not you?"  I immediately knew it was the Holy Spirit and I responded by slowing down and pulling into a plaza to turn around and see how I can help.  I pulled to the side of the road (it was a side street so no traffic) and began to talk to this lady.  I began by saying, "You look down and out?"  She responded with a Yes.  I asked her if she had gone to any places for help.  She responded with, "it would not do any good,  since every where I go my family seems to ruin it for me."  My curiosity moved me to wonder why she would say that.  She then claimed that I knew her family.  Even more curious, I asked her if they were in the news lately or popular and why would I know them.  She then began to claim that they sent me.  I of course said, I had no idea what she was talking about and told her I was a man of God a servant of Christ here to tell you that there is hope in Christ.  She then began to cuss me out and told me to get lost and here is the kicker, she called me "Weirdo."  I then said, O.K. well Jesus Loves You.  Yeah yeah he loves you too.  I left.
     As I left I began to talk to the Lord.  I said, O.K. God I don't know what that was all about.  I heard a small giggle in my heart as if the Spirit was smiling and said, "Son, it is not the success I care about it is the obedience."  I then felt had a huge smile appear across my face.  It made me truly realize something that I need to remember and remind others.
     In this life we are given all kinds of tasks.  These tasks vary.  Sometimes they are obvious and sometimes not so.  From raising children to keeping a job to holding a marriage there are challenges for everyone.  Sometimes these tasks and how we do them is measured by whether or not we are successful, using the results.  Maybe you are parent and find it hard to raise a child.  They are rebellious and do not listen and maybe they are not happy that you require them to go to church, read the bible and to pray.  You keep them away from certain friends, you say not to them about certain movies, music and other entertainment and they do not like it.  You are only doing your best trying to raise the child in the ways of the Lord but you do not see any success because your child is not happy and it seems like you are only fighting with them all the time over Godly things.  While you measure your success by whether or not your child is happy, God measures your success by whether or not you are obedient and raising the child the right way.
     Maybe you are in a marriage.  As a wife or husband you want to serve the Lord.  Maybe your spouse does not.  So you go to church, you tithe of your finances, you volunteer and you respect and love your spouse according to the Lord, but your spouse is not happy.  You feel like a total failure, but you are not.  You see God does not measure your marriage based on someone else's obedience or actions but on your obedience.
     If we were to measure Moses based on results, he was not always successful when he went to Pharoah to have the people of God let go.  As a matter of fact Pharoah said, "NO!" at least 10 times. Was Moses a failure?  NO!  He was successful every time.  Every time Moses did what God told him to do, no matter what the results were, Moses was successful.
     In Conclusion, God measures your success not based on how many people you have in your Church, how many people you brought to Christ, how happy your kids are, how much money you have, how great your marriage is, or any of those outside signs.  NO!  God measures your success on whether or not you are obedient to Him and do as He tells you despite what the results may be.  That is why, "those who are led by the Spirit of God, these are the children of God."  Romans 8:14.

Pastor Michael Salman