Tuesday, September 1, 2009

The Killers Within

Grace to you and peace from God our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ. Last Night I was watching a documentary on Ted Bundy. Here is a man that escaped from prison 2 times and found himself committing the same crimes over and over again. A statement was made by him when he was caught for the last time. "He wanted to die"
When we think of men like Bundy or Hitler we become repulsed of how people can be so evil. The fact is there are evil people all over who have no sense of love, respect or peace. The bible says, "That there is none that seeks God no not one." Being a Christian these behaviours can almost make you as they are but thanks to the grace of god and His Holy Spirit we are contained in His presence. When someone says to me that people in general are good that statement can only be said because of God's Mercy. The fact is people are evil from birth. Imagine a child that is 18 months old who decides they want something you have. They are persistent. The fact is if that 18 month old child in his natural state had the strength of a man they would take what they want and leave you a bloody mess with no remorse. That is the nature of humanity. If it were left to some people in this world many of us would be dead. It is only by the Grace and Mercy of God are we alive. It is because of God we stand where we stand. Thanks be to God for his never ending love and his Holy Spirit that protects us and contains humanity. There will be a day thou when man will return to his brutal state and they will persecute those who believe in His Name. It is already happening now. Maranatha...Come Oh Lord Come. Please continue to pray for my family and for us reaching to the Lost. We know that Jesus Christ is King or all Kings.

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