Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Have You Added To The Gospel?

     What happened to Christians in the last 1800 years.  To be a Christian and Brother in Christ all that was taught in scripture and all that people had to believe was the following:

Jesus Christ was born of a Virgin
The Only Begotten Son of God
God in the Flesh
Was Human and Divine
Died on the Cross for Your Sins
Buried and Resurrected on the Third Day
Returning For us
We are called to live a Holy & Sober Life for Him
These days the message of the Bible has changed.  People have added doctrine of men and have required people to believe all or some of the following in order for them to be a Christian:

Jesus Christ was born of a Virgin
The Only Begotten Son of God
God in the Flesh
Was Human and Divine
Died on the Cross for Your Sins
Buried and Resurrected on the Third Day
Returning For Us
If you believe and think that you must do your wrong
If you believe and don't do you are wrong
You must believe in the Trinity or/and
You must be able to explain the Trinity Right
You must love Israel or
You must not love Israel
You must believe in the Rapture or
You can't believe in the Rapture
You must be Calvinist or
You must be Arminist
You must be baptized and
You must be baptized in the Name of Jesus or
You must be baptized in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit
You must obey the Sabbath and
You must obey the Sabbath on Saturday or
You must obey the Sabbath on Sunday

     It is so sad to see and hear of Christians discrediting other believers in Christ because they do not believe in the Trinity or know how to explain the Trinity or just because they believe in the Rapture or does not believe in the Rapture.  They may say something like, "How can a person who is saved not believe in the Rapture?"

     I believe the 9 doctrines first mentioned are the only essential and clearly taught doctrines found in the Bible.  Jesus and the Apostles taught them and expounded on them.  Everything else is doctrine of men.  Not that they are bad just not necessary for salvation.  Please remember in the end it will be our faith in Christ and what he did on the cross.  The belief in the Rapture, Calvinism, Baptism, Trinity or any other thing is not going to save us.   

     If you think differently:  Let me know what and why?
***CLAIMER please do not read anything more into this than the point that is being made here.  Thank you.  

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