Thursday, November 3, 2011

Update On Federal Case

     This is an update of where we are in reference to our lawsuit against the City of Phoenix and there prosecution against home worship, home bible studies, home groups and other religious house groups.  This case is more than an issue of freeing me from going to jail for what I have done.  Rather this case is about the rights that Christians and other religious groups should have when meeting in a private setting.  Especially in ones home. 
     The City of Phoenix has under sworn testimony stated that religious groups specifically bible studies in a home even if 30 minutes per week are required to have a permit and conform their property under commercial standards.  That means ALL churches and religious meetings if done in a home are required to abide under commerical standards.  A occupancy or B occupancy guidliness.  In the meantime, other groups "secular" in nature are not required to do that.  Such as Neighborhood Block Watch, Boy Scouts, Political Hostings (Which are currently going on today) and other secular meetings are not required to abide under these rules.  So Religious NO Secular YES.  There is a problem with this.  It is evident that under such sworn guideliness and testimony by building inspectors and supervisors there is going to be no problem winning a lawsuit.  The only problem is PROTOCOL.
     On October 10th, 2011 the Judge dismissed the lawsuit claiming that since we are still fighting this in the State Forum it is premature to bring it to the Federal Forum.  Even though at first we were a little upset we believe that it is a good thing this happened.  It would be a tragedy to go through the lawsuit and win only to have it overturned in the Appeal Process.  This has saved us a lot of money.  Thank you Jesus.  So now we are going to exhaust the State Court and if the City still proceeds to discriminate against private religious meetings we will refile the lawsuit again and make sure our rights along with other rights are protected. 
     Meanwhile Suzanne and I will be going to court for our Bible Board in the front on Monday.  The Bible Board quotes scripture to passerbys.  The City of Phoenix is claiming that such signs require a permit.  We say they do not require such permits.  As a matter of fact if you have driven in our City lately you will find 4 x 8 signs lining our streets and yards.  VOTE GULLETT FOR MAYOR and such.  According to the City of Phoenix these signs do not require a permit.  Only the permission of the property owner.  So why do signs that have religious messages required to have a permit while political signs are not.  This again is discrimination.  If Suzanne loses the appeal we will exhaust the State immedietly and file a lawsuit challenging the Sign Ordinance to protect religious and noncommercial speech on private property.  This will be a lawsuit seperate from the Private Worship. 
      Seperating the lawsuits and making them 2 instead as combined 1 will allow us to make sure our rights are defended and that our demands are clear.  We continue to pray for the Leadership of our City and continue to pray that religious speech and assemblies are protected. 

In Jesus Name,

Pastor Michael Salman

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