Thursday, May 20, 2010


In order for someone to understand the Trinity we must understand who God is.  God is Spirit.  He is not human or such but Rather Spirit.  God who is Spirit created the earth, the galaxies and so forth.  He is and was ONE always.  There was not 2 nor three but 1 God.  The one God in creating all things became the Father.  We call Him Father God or God the Father.  Now God the Father is still the SPIRIT.  This God who is Spirit dwelt in and around man.  The Prophets spoke by the Holy Spirit.  All that statement means is God who is Spirit is HOLY hence, Holy Spirit.  Not 2 spirits but 1 spirit who is HOLY.  This Holy Spirit is Father in Creation.  Some people will say at this point we have a Binity.  Some people well even go so far to say that Jesus the Son of God existed at this point.  Which I believe is a gross error in doctrine.  They may even resort to saying in Genesis 1 when God says WE is proof of the trinity.  That is wrong.  The Host of Heaven is the angels and they are spirit, so the WE is God talking to the angels and making a declaration rather than a cojoing.  OK we'll move on.  As for the BINITY that is wrong also.  God is still one and He is Spirit, there is not 2 spirits up there but one.  Now we come to the time when this 1 God comes to the world in flesh form.  He is born a babe in a manager and even thou the flesh is humanity the Spirit is in this child.  As the Flesh matures the same Spirit dwells in this man named Jesus.  The difference between Jesus and the Prophets is that Jesus has the Spirit UNHINDERED.  Meaning not a part of God but the Fullness of God.  You see you and I have a part of God in us by the Holy Spirit but Jesus was God, the HOLY SPIRIT in the Flesh.  When the flesh died the Spirit did not.  So when Jesus rose from the Dead, the flesh rose from the dead by the HOLY SPIRIT.  As for the Flesh it was transformed into something else.  So now we believe in God the Father, The Son and the Comforter.  These three are 1 and I will go so far to say 1 HOLY SPIRIT.  The HOLY SPIRIT IN CREATION AS FATHER, THE HOLY SPIRIT IN THE FLESH AS SON, and THE HOLY SPIRIT IN MAN AS INTERCESSOR AND COMFORTER.  THE HOLY SPIRIT HAS GIVEN US A NAME and this NAME IS JESUS.  THE NAME ABOVE ALL NAMES.  GOT QUESTIONS?  Let me know.  Got another biblical view let me know.  I pray this help you understand the trinity in pure biblical sense.  THE LORD GOD IS ONE!!    


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