Monday, November 30, 2009

The Holy Spirit

When we think of the most vital part of our Christianity many people will refer to the word FAITH.  I believe thou that the most important part of Christianity is the HOLY SPIRIT.  If a person does not have theHoly Spirit living in them they can not living a Christian life.  Unfortunetly that is what we see in many people.  Their belief is head knowledge and not guided by the Holy Spirit.  If more Christians were filled by teh Holy Spirit we probably would not have the issues within the church or other so called Christians attacking other Christians.  So how do you know if you have the Holy Spirit living in you? The scriptures make it very clear in many parts:

1)  There is FRUIT.  You are actually doing something for God and I do not mean going to church.  You are witnessing.  When was the last time you told someone about Jesus?  I assure you if you have not told someone about Jesus or encouraged them to follow Jesus you do not have the Holy Spirit.  Many people will say that, they are shy.  Even if that is true, when you have the Holy Spirit you have boldness to speak and do the things for Christ.  In all the parables of Jesus when referring to the believers He makes one thing evident.  The TRUE BELIEVER reproduces.  Here is a just a couple of the parables: The Sower, The Talents, The Sheep & Goats, The Wise Steward, The Vine and many others. 

2)  There is CONVICTION.  When people think of what is right and wrong they may feel that they have a grasp of things.  The fact is thou many people may be doing wrong and not know it.  For example, unforgiveness is wrong with God but unforgiveness is permitted in the world.  Hatred is not against the law but with God it is.  So people may say, hey I am not doing anything wrong, meaning "I am not breaking the law" while in reality they are.  The Holy Spirit brings convictions to a person because the Holy Spirit teaches a person of a eternal law.  When you are convicted for doing something that maybe the laws of man don't find offensived but God does it is likely that it is the Holy Spirit.

     In short we see a vital walk and importance to following Jesus and only can be done through the Holy Spirit.


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