There is a story of Fernanado Cortez who wanted to capture the most valuable treasure in all the earth. He spent all he had and bought 11 ships to sail to capture this treasure. We he came to shore he trained his army and then told them to torch the boats. BURN THEM DOWN. He stated that the only way we are going to leave is with their boats victorious.
Christians are told the same when it comes to following God. If we choose Christ we need to burn our boats. Many people do not realize that Jesus said, PARAPHRASED "If you don't give up everything for me you are not worthy of me." Paraphrased "A person who puts his hand on the plow can not look back."
People need to burn the boats. Stop going back to a life of sin. Stop acting and living as an unbeliever. Start living for God.
Ask yourself, what boats are still on my shore? Why are they still there? Oh by the way, Cortez did come out victorious but it was only because there was no other way. So it will be with your walk in God if you burn the boats.