Monday, December 28, 2009

The New Year

     We are about to enter the new year.  Are you ready to make this Year truly the year of the Lord?  So many times we have stated that this is the year of God.  We say it as if this unlike any other year, this will be different.  We come up with jingles and ryhmes to give it some uff.  Like 2007 is the year of heaven.  2008 in the Lord we celebrate and etc.  You get my drift.  So now we enter 2010 and we start this year just like any other year, placing on our checks 2009 because we forgot it is 2010.  LOL.  But really just like every year we should come up with and think of ways to improve ourselves especially our walk with Jesus Christ.  How can we draw closer and know Him more.  When you are thinking about that please remember one thing:  It is not a sprint but a Marathon.  2010 is 12 months long.  The best cooked meat is one that has been roasting and or broiling for a long time.  Allow God to make you tender for Him.  God bless you and Happy New Year.


Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Death Of Oral Roberts

Oral Roberts died today at the age of 91.  He was best known as the crying preacher who stated that god was going to kill him if he did not raise millions of dollars by a certain time.  I find it very funny and yet sad that when people think about Oral Roberts this is what they mention.  They don't mention the fact that he began a Bible University or Television Program or that through him God healed many.  All the good people do and the only thing humans remember is the bad and ugly. 
     That is why we are thankful that God in his love and mercy does nto see us like others do.  He sees the good and the love in us.  It is this that God sees and remembers in us.  I can only pray that when we die that all our faults and mishaps are placed aside and that people remember the good that we have done.  May our Legacy be that of blessings and fortune to humanity through Christ.

Thursday, December 10, 2009


     This season many people are getting sick.  They start getting sick not only physically but spiritually and mentally.  The sales, the emotions, the lonliness, the financial stress and struggles, these all become very difficult and people become very stressed.  Eventually everything going on creates a void and loss of the meaning of the season.  I never was a person who enjoyed all thehustle and busle of the Christmas season due to 2 things.  1)  Physical illness with many & 2)  the commercial aspect of the season. 
      This year I can only pray that people remember 2 things.  1)  Without CHRIST you can not have CHRISTmas.  & 2)  JESUS is the reason for the season.

Have a Merry CHRISTmas.


Thursday, December 3, 2009

Today I viewed a video located below about Richard Dawkins calling Ray Comfort a serious and radical evangelist an idot because he refutes Darwinism.  At first it made me angry but then I realized that many people feel this way about Christians.  Jesus himself told us that if they called your master the prince of Devils what would they call you.  The scriptures also tell us that we are fools in the eyes of the world because of our faith in Christ.  I bet Moses was considered a fool for taking Israel out to the wilderness, or Abraham going to sacrifice his son, or David going to defeat a Giant, or Gideon Battling thousands with only 300 men.  Yet we know how all this ended.  The Promise, The Faith, The Victory.  So to all you fools and idots out there, GOD BLESS YOU for we know that God always has the last word.