Monday, December 12, 2011

Helping The Poor and the Role of Believers

     It is not a secret that in Phoenix Arizona it has become a little cold and wet.  As I drive the street I can not ignore those who are walking around with large bags and some with baskets indicating their homelessness.  It always make me wonder what made people come to the place they were at in the first place.  Was it drugs, alcohol, divorce or some tragedy that has occurred to them.  I know that in Phoenix there are programs and shelters that not only house but help those who are homeless get off the street.  Sometimes I wonder if maybe those who are walking the streets have already tried so many time to get off that they just quit and accepted their transit living.  Which brings me to the subject of this blog:  What is the Christians role when seeing people like this walking the street?  I get so guilty sometimes because I think that it is my responsibility to at least offer someone walking the street like that some shelter.  Then I think of why are they not in a shelter or existing program already?  I know that my family and the ministry supports programs like OCJ Kids which deals with Orphans, The Dream Center which has rescue missions, along side ministries and many others.  So then why are these people not utilizing such resources.  I know that in our fellowship when a family becomes homeless due to job or other situations my wife and I open our doors and home to them.  We have had various families come in and out of our lives because of reasons like this.  I believe this is where the Christian must shine through.  No Christian family belonging to the Church of God should go homeless.  Sometimess we get calls from families asking us for resources.  One of the first questions I ask is do they belong to a fellowship or congregation.  It is so surprising home almost 9 out of 10 say, "NO".  When I ask them why not? There is always some reason they chose not to belong but have chose rather to ask from one.  We have helped people like this also encouraging them to be part of a Christian Family. 
     Now back to those who are not.  It is the Christian Fellowship or Congregation call to support local programs that help the homeless, the orphan and the widow.  By doing this the burden is carried by the whole Christian Faith rather than the dependency or burden of just one.  When a person on the street in encountered it is easy to direct someone to such a program.  If they chose not to take the opportunity ones hands are clean.  In order for our directing one to such a Homeless Mission it is important that we do not just give the burdens but help carry them.  I thank God that our Mission helps and does just that and I can only pray that yours does likewise.  MERRY CHRISTMAS! 

Pastor Michael Salman   

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Court Case Update 11/2011

     Grace to you and peace from God our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ.  This is an update on our recent court case.  This week we went to the State Court to fight for the Bible Board in front of our home.  The Board is used to quote scripture to the 2500+ cars that pass in front of our home on a daily basis.  It went well "we believe".  Our point that Political and other signage is given exceptions and certain circumstances that do not need a permit, while religious speech is required to have a permit, was emphasised in the appeal.  This is an issue of treating non-religious differently than religious.  This City has a big problem with persecuting religious folks.  I pray this changes with the new administration.  There is a change in our plan for federal intervention.  We thought that if Suzanne went to the appeal and if the decision was against her we would be able to file the lawsuit in federal court but meeting with our attorney's yesterday that would not be the case.  To make sure the Federal case sticks she would have to appeal to the Arizona Court of Appeals.  After that if there is still an unfavorable decision than we can file our lawsuit in reference to the sign.  The attorney's did inform us that it would be good to keep the suit separate so that our issues are clear. 
      I did get the extension for filing the Appeal Memorandum.  I will be asking for oral argument so when that happens we need all those in support to stand up and let this state know that what is happening here in our City is an injustice and discrimination against religious meetings.  If we receive an unfavorable decision in this court we will then be filing the Federal Lawsuit.  The great news is that the Pacific Justice Institute and our attorneys will be working together to fight this.  As some of you know the PJI is fighting a similar case that happened this year in California. 
     I just want to thank everyone who support us in many ways.  Prayer, financial and such comes from people who care.  As Christians we want to be good neighbors.  We live in this neighborhood also.  The park is across from us, we have 2500+ cars in front of our home on a daily basis and our street is an arterial street.  So we do not live in a small quiet neighborhood.  Our meetings do not disturb the tranquility of the neighborhood, traffic or parking.  Our guest never park in the street, we have 4.6 acres of land that anyone can park on.  That is room for over 100+ cars.  We are not loud in the sense of noisy.  As a matter of fact during the weekend the sounds coming from the park during the weekend overbear our noise.  This is why we are so baffled on why this City believes it can prosecute us?  Our neighbors on the other hand have get together where they park in the street, are loud, cause traffic concerns and yet they do not need a permit.  The only conclusion we have is that we are prosecuted because they are religious and because they are religious they need a permit.  This has been made very clear in court by testimony.  Folks this is not a battle only for us but every church that has home studies, cell groups, home groups and ministries that begin in the home are all in threat.  If you meet weekly at your home with more than 2 guests, according to the City you are in violation.  If someone complains about your 2 or more people meeting in your home for Bible Study the City will prosecute you.  This is true, documented and testified on.  Sounds ridiculous?  We feel the same way and that is why we are taking this to court.  Non-Commercial Private meetings even religious must be protected.  PRIVATE IS PRIVATE.  NOT COMMERCIAL is NOT COMMERCIAL.  Churches these days are open to the public and they are commercial they have signs in the front, they invite the general public to come in, they are not discretionary on who comes in.  This is not our case.  We are not open to the public, we do not invite the general public and believe me I am very discretionary on who comes to my home.  My family lives there.  My personal items and goods are there.  There is a big difference.  Well I rattled off enough.  Please keep us in prayer and thank you all for your constant support.  In Christ we are always victorious. 


Thursday, November 3, 2011

Update On Federal Case

     This is an update of where we are in reference to our lawsuit against the City of Phoenix and there prosecution against home worship, home bible studies, home groups and other religious house groups.  This case is more than an issue of freeing me from going to jail for what I have done.  Rather this case is about the rights that Christians and other religious groups should have when meeting in a private setting.  Especially in ones home. 
     The City of Phoenix has under sworn testimony stated that religious groups specifically bible studies in a home even if 30 minutes per week are required to have a permit and conform their property under commercial standards.  That means ALL churches and religious meetings if done in a home are required to abide under commerical standards.  A occupancy or B occupancy guidliness.  In the meantime, other groups "secular" in nature are not required to do that.  Such as Neighborhood Block Watch, Boy Scouts, Political Hostings (Which are currently going on today) and other secular meetings are not required to abide under these rules.  So Religious NO Secular YES.  There is a problem with this.  It is evident that under such sworn guideliness and testimony by building inspectors and supervisors there is going to be no problem winning a lawsuit.  The only problem is PROTOCOL.
     On October 10th, 2011 the Judge dismissed the lawsuit claiming that since we are still fighting this in the State Forum it is premature to bring it to the Federal Forum.  Even though at first we were a little upset we believe that it is a good thing this happened.  It would be a tragedy to go through the lawsuit and win only to have it overturned in the Appeal Process.  This has saved us a lot of money.  Thank you Jesus.  So now we are going to exhaust the State Court and if the City still proceeds to discriminate against private religious meetings we will refile the lawsuit again and make sure our rights along with other rights are protected. 
     Meanwhile Suzanne and I will be going to court for our Bible Board in the front on Monday.  The Bible Board quotes scripture to passerbys.  The City of Phoenix is claiming that such signs require a permit.  We say they do not require such permits.  As a matter of fact if you have driven in our City lately you will find 4 x 8 signs lining our streets and yards.  VOTE GULLETT FOR MAYOR and such.  According to the City of Phoenix these signs do not require a permit.  Only the permission of the property owner.  So why do signs that have religious messages required to have a permit while political signs are not.  This again is discrimination.  If Suzanne loses the appeal we will exhaust the State immedietly and file a lawsuit challenging the Sign Ordinance to protect religious and noncommercial speech on private property.  This will be a lawsuit seperate from the Private Worship. 
      Seperating the lawsuits and making them 2 instead as combined 1 will allow us to make sure our rights are defended and that our demands are clear.  We continue to pray for the Leadership of our City and continue to pray that religious speech and assemblies are protected. 

In Jesus Name,

Pastor Michael Salman

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Permission Slip from Caesar

Permission Slip from Caesar

This is a great article indicating the major fight that is about to occur in the United States over the issue of Home Worship and Studies. It is a fight everyone needs to get involved in.

Modern Women Role Models

     The other day I turned on the television and began to watch a show I had not seen in awhile.  It is called the King of Queens.  As I am watching the show I could not believe that Carrie, the wife of Kevin James character, and what she was saying about her husband and to her husband. Yes I know it is only a show.  She was insulting him and treating him like a dumbie.  Then I began to think of other shows like I love Raymond and thought of his wife Debra and how she also disrespects her husband.  The scary thing is these shows are very popular.  I then began to try to think of a show where the husband has respect and the wife but could not think of one.  I then began to think of family shows and kid shows.  What happened to the family?  Shows like, iCarly, Hannah Montana, Salena Gomez, Sonny with a Chance, Suite Life of Zack and Cody and how none of these shows have a mother and father.  If you have not guessed it by now, "Yes I have a lot of children."  I also thought about how many of these shows have the female as the dominant figure.  What happened to Leave it to beaver, Brady Bunch and other family shows that show a some form of family unit and husband and wife love and respect. 
     I have been an Ordained Pastor since 1996.  I have counseled and spoke to hundreds of couples and marriages.  I can assure you that what Hollywood is showing is destroying marriages.  I was speaking to a couple several years ago having a casual conversation when his wife began to say how stupid her husband was.  Giving him looks and me looks like he was an idiot.  She was correcting him at almost everything he said.  After knowing the couple much more it was no shock to me that they had sever marital problems.  Eventually they separated ways.  A man can only take so much and a woman can only go so far.  When the woman becomes the dominating force in the marriage there is nothing but trouble and issues.  Even if the man decides he likes it that way the natural and Godly instinct of a woman is never satisfied with it.  You see despite the fact women think they want the power in a marriage, they do not.  They want a man who takes control and knows and understands what he is doing.  The problem is when the man tries to take control the woman does not allow him the time or effort. 
     This blog can never do justice to what is really happening but it is evident that we have a very serious scenario effecting and infecting marriages.  This is why it is time for Women to stand up and teach otter women by example what it means to be a Godly woman.  How to love and respect her husband.  How to speak what is right and true.  It is up to Christians like you and I to help correct and teach the younger to respect and live their husbands and be the woman God had called them to be. 

Tuesday, October 11, 2011



Born in New York in a Suburb called Yonkers my friends were always those who enjoyed playing outside in the cold of winter. Our greatest sport was kick ball. We always used the spongy one. Our street was not the widest in New York and we knew that if that ever hit any car it would not break any windshields or dent any doors or hoods. We only had to worry about Tiny. Tiny was really not tiny he was big but we called him Tiny. He was 12 years old and weighed a close 250 lbs and stood 5’9. His family was Italian so we knew that his mother fed him well. You see there was that time Tiny was running for a pop up that was kicked and let’s just say that when Tiny hit the side of Mrs. Morthers brand new Cadillac is was not a pretty sight. The Cadillac lost. Everyone ran except for me and Kenny. We just stared at the Cadillac. Even Tiny got up and ran, well more like wobbled away. The next thing I felt was Mrs. Morther dishwashing cold wet hands pinching my ears and her screeching voice saying, “You know who did this?” Of course I did not want to be a rat so I denied it the best I could.

My dad was a hard worker. Most days my dad would leave in the morning usually before we woke up and would return at night right before we went to bed. He was a man of integrity. We were raised in a religious home with pictures of Jesus on our walls and the cross in all our bedrooms. Every Sunday we would go to church and my father would not allow us to sit in the service but always volunteered us to do something. Whether it was Sunday School, serving or handing out bulletins we were always told that Christians are those who serve and are people of action not reaction. I never really knew what that meant until I got older. So there I was in front of the man who ran our home and taught us the good principles of the bible staring me in the eyes.

“I know how you feel son. Being a rat is not something someone wants to be. “ he calmly spoke those words to me. I could not help but tear. “Now let me ask you this” he said, “did you do it?” I slowly nodded my head “no.” He then asked “do you know who did it?” Slowly with tears running down my 11 year old face whispered, “yessss..” My dad then held my shoulder as of assuring me that it was o.k. but wanted me to understand something. He took a deep breathe and said, “Son, even though you did not do it, but you knew who did and was not willing to tell, it was only right that we pay for the damages.” I immediately said, “That was not fair.” My dad then told me a story in the bible that relates to God’s mercy and judgment.

David was a man of God who loved God a lot. He was attracted to a woman but the problem is the woman was another mans wife. He did not care but instead took her to his house and she turned out to be pregnant. To make the matter worse David had no choice but to kill her husband to hide the affair. David thought he got away but God knew. You see God told David that he had done an evil thing but that God knew deep inside David loved God but was weak and did wrong. David begged for God’s forgiveness and God forgave David. God then said that just because David was forgiven he would have to pay for the consequences of His sin. This consequence was that the baby would die and that the sword will not depart from the house of David. Just because we receive God’s forgiveness does not mean we immediately live without the consequences of our sins.

My Dad then explained to me that the consequence of me knowing and yet not telling is that we pay for the damages. So sure we keep what we think is right but we ultimately pay for it elsewhere. My dad ultimately paid for the repairs himself. Kenny was not going to tell either but Kenny’s dad was not like my dad. So Kenny’s dad did not offer anything. When the news spread through the neighborhood that my dad paid for the repairs even though it was not his sons fault, Tiny confessed to his dad. Tiny’s dad was very apologetic. Tiny’s dad owned a small fruit cart in the neighborhood. He could not pay back my dad all at once but between the free fruit and payments all was finally made well and right.


Wednesday, August 31, 2011

When referring tot he disciples this is what was said of them:

Acts 17:6

(6) And when they found them not, they drew Jason and certain brethren unto the rulers of the city, crying, These that have turned the world upside down are come hither also;

Today we live in a fantasy world. A people who call themselves Christians and who say they stand for Christian beliefs and faith but are nothing but:

2 Peter 2:17
(17) These are wells without water, clouds that are carried with a tempest; to whom the mist of darkness is reserved for ever.

I think about how can a the Church the representatives of Jesus Christ claim that they want to change the world but are doing nothing about it. We claim we want to change our City but we refuse to vote and place those in office who care for what we believe in. Even for our country. We placed a man who is not a Christian. How can we who claim to be believers in a country full of such not be able to change or place someone in office who believes what they believe.

Christianity in America is apostate. All those so called Christian who vote for people who do not have their same beliefs and backing are false believers.

Christians in Amercia complain and moan and groan about Shiria Law that the Muslims are passing in their country. GOOD FOR THEM. Maybe we can learn from the heathens. We can learn from the wicked how to run a country for Jesus Christ. So called Christians need to stop their blood clot crying and start acting like Christ showed them. The Christians in America have no part or lot in the Christ of Heaven. Only those who are His and He know who they are will find themselves in His Arms.

Some Christians may claim that God does not want Christians to be involved in politics. Are you so ignorant that you have not read your bible? What does it teach us and show us? Every prophet, teacher and evangelist was involved in Politics.

Name one prophet who was not???? Name one Disciple who did not go into the town halls and preach against the injustice of the rulers and idolatry of the people???

God's people are called into the world that they live in. To change it. To represent Christ in it.

Al them Pastors who pray for your City, State and Country stop your talking and move your people to do something about it.

Isaiah 56:10
(10) His watchmen are blind: they are all ignorant, they are all dumb dogs, they cannot bark; sleeping, lying down, loving to slumber.

This all I have to say for now!!

Pastor Michael Salman

Tuesday, August 30, 2011


1 Peter 2:12 and maintain good conduct among the non-Christians, so that though they now malign you as wrongdoers, they may see your good deeds and glorify God when he appears.

     As a Christian and especially one that is on the front line of teh Christian Faith it is easy to find myself in the line of fire.  People calling me a wrongdoer, holy roller, Jesus Freak, hypocrite and such.  The bible never promises that those who live for Christ will be loved by everyone.  As a matter of fact it is quite the opposite.  A person who lives for Christ and follows His ways find themselves on the other end of the pole.  Think of all the prophets and ministers who have ever lived before us.  How were they treated and why?  Do we see thuis now?  No!  Rather we have Christians who are loved by everyone.  I mean everyone.  Rick Warren, Joel Osteen and such are popular among the secular.  Is there something they are doing right or is there something they are doing wrong?  If the bible says that those who live Godly will suffer persecution and Jesus himself states that we will be persecuted and hated for His name sake, but instead you are loved, someone is telling lies.  I can assure you it is not Jesus. 

     No matter what people say about you or to you remember this, at the end the promise is they will glorify God when he returns.  We can only pray it is not too late for them.

In Jesus Name!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Are Tattoos Sin? Can I Get A Tattoo If I Am A Christian?

     There is a question always looming over the head of Christian folks on whether or not Tattoos are permitted.  I am sure that you have encountered someone who claims to be a Christian and has a Tattoo.  I know that I am one of them.  As a Christian I have tattoos.  None of the tattoos I received was while I was a believer but rather living in sin.  When I became a Christian it did not take a study in the scriptures to know that Tattoos were frowned upon.  I remember when I came across a new believer who felt that a Tattoo of a Cross on his back was a form of honoring God.  Even though the design looked nice there was something that just not go well with me. 
     So what does God say about Tattoos?  Can a Christian have a Tattoo?  Is it a sin to have a Tattoo?  Would God send you to Hell for having a Tattoo?
     I would like to answer the last question first. Even though there are a lot of things that you can do that may not send you to Hell, it should not be permitted. 

1 Corinthians 6:12 All things are lawful unto me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but I will not be brought under the power of any.

     Just because it may not send me to Hell it does not mean I should do it.  Even in this scripture the reference has to do with being a good witness.  Which allows me now to answer the next question.  Can a Christian have a Tattoo? 
     We are called to be good witnesses of Christ.  We are to stand as representatives of God's Kingdom.  Even though in this time of age a Tattoo is an accepted NORM it represents the world.  A person who has a Tattoo is usually someone who is represented as worldly.  Of course there is some exceptions but they are very few in between.  If you have a Tattoo, ask yourself, why did I get this Tattoo?  What is the meaning of the Tattoo?  Why did I feel like I had to have this Tattoo?  Much of the answer is Pride.  It looked nice.  I felt hip.  It made me feel a little better.  It makes me look tough.  Many other answers are followed.  If one of them were I wanted to honor God, then I can assure you that the person who got the Tattoo for that reason did not ask God what he thought.  This brings us to the last question.  Is a Tattoo a Sin?

Leviticus 19:28 Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the LORD.

     In the text above it is very plain that a Tattoo is a Mark Printed on you.  So the answer is YES.  Tattoos are a sin.  They are disobeying the will of God.  God does not intend for believers to have anything on them printed, marked or pierced that represents the World.
     For the sake of exegisis, I would like to exegite this text further so that you may understand the deeper truth of it.  
The word PRINT in the Hebrew is  

A primitive root; to give, used with great latitude of application (put, make, etc.):  

The word MARK is



From H3789; a letter or other mark branded on the skin:

     The purest form of this text is just that you shall not have a letter or mark branded on the skin.

     Tattoos are forbidden by God.  They do not honor God nor is God pleases when a Christian gets one.
     As Christians we are called to a higher calling.  A life for God and in God.  To present our Bodies a living sacrifice.  This means that our Bodies, our Skin, our Life belongs to God not us.  We are to represent Him.  Tattoos do none of that. 

     If you are a Christian and you received a tattoo as a believer you must repent.  Ask God to forgive you for your ignorance to His Law.  Ask him to cleanse you and that you will not show pride or be proud of the Tattoo but rather it will be looked at as immaturity and fleshly.  When people ask about it you will use it as a Testimony of how you thought it was alright but it is not.  That the only cutting of the flesh and marking of the flesh that Christ wants is that of the heart.  God will lead you. 

In Christ Name.

Pastor Michael Salman

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Is There a Rapture. New Study New Insight!!

Does the bible teach that there is a Rapture?

There are churches and so many that teach on this doctrine called the Rapture. The purpose of the doctrrie of the Rapture is based on the premise that God will not allow His beleivers to enter a time of tribulation and judgement on the earth. That prior to the great tribulation the Lord shall Rapture the believers and take them to heaven. The most famous of all texts used to prove the Rapture is found in 1 Thessolonians 4:16-18 which reads the following:

1Thessolonians 4:16-18

(16) For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:

(17) Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.

(18) Wherefore comfort one another with these words.

Is this scripture really evidence of the Rapture? If we examine this scripture a little closer you will find a few key words and phrases that truly indicate what this event is.

1) The Lord Himself Shall Descend.

2) With a voice of the Arch-Angel.

3) With the Trumpet of God.

4) The Dead in Christ shall Rise First.

5) Then we who are Alive and Remain shall be Caught up to be with the Lord.

Now let us look at other scripture that pertains to the resurrection. It is important to note that the event of the Resurrection as all agree occurs at the end of the tribulation where the Rapture is before the tribulation.

1 Corinthians 15:51-52

(51) Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed,

(52) In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.

Now after reading this we come up with these key phrases:

1) We will not all sleep (WHICH MEANS DIE) but we will all be changed.

2) In a twinkling of an eye, at the Last Trumpet.

3) The dead shall be raised.

In this text we can see such similiar factors found in 1 Thessolonians 4:16-18

1) When this event occurs there will be both Dead and Alive Christians who are resurrected.

2) There is a Trumpet, now this indicates not just any trumpet but at the LAST TRUMPET.

Some argue that this event is different than the Thessolonian Event. So before we come to a conclusion let us look at other scripture indicating the resurrection.

Revelation 11:15

(15) And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever.



Revelation 11:18

(18) And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth.

Now let us look at some of the factors in this scripture:

1) The Seventh Angel Sounded this is the Seventh Trumpet (The LAST TRUMPET)

2) The Saints are resurrected for Reward and the Sinners are Judged.

It is plain that these scriptures have so many similiarites as those found in 1 Thessolonians when it pertains to the when the Saints are resurrected. So lets take a look at other scripture.

Matthew 24:29-31

(29) Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:

(30) And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.

(31) And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.

There is no greater evidence found in scripture than that found in the words of Jesus on the Resurrection.

1) Immedeitly After the Tribulation.

2) The Lord himself Descends on a cloud.

3) With the angels.

4) Sound of a great trumpet.

5) Then he shall gather the elect.

The words of Jesus in Matthew 24 and the words spoken by Paul in 1 Thessolonians on an event are identical. Except for the fact that Jesus states this will happen at the End of teh Tribluation and preachers and other teachers say it will happen at the beginning of the tribulation. So who do you believe???

To review we see the following.

1) A trumpet sound.

2) Angels

3) Jesus on the Cloud

4) The resurrection of dead believers

5) The resurrection or Rapture of alive believers.

6) At the Last Trumpet

7) At the end of the Tribulation.

So that settles it. The bible never teachs that Christians will be RAPTURED but rather resurrected at the end. What???? Still not convinced Alright lets look at this. In the first letter to the Thessolonians Paul writes on us being with the Lord and that it should be a comfort knowing the Lord shall unite us with Him and those who preceeded us. Now in his second letter he writes this:

2 Thessalonians 2:1-5

(1) Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him,

(2) That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand.

(3) Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;

(4) Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.

(5) Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things?

He reminds them that the event of us being gathered will not happen until:

1) Christians Turn away from the faith.

2) The Anti-Christ sits in the temple and claims himself to be God.

In the Tirbulation Time Line. These events occur when the tribulation had already begun and in one case when the Tribulation is already in the 3.5 year mark. Jesus tells us the same:

Matthew 24:12-15

(12) And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.

(13) But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.

(14) And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.

(15) When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:)

O.K. There. WHAT???? You need more. Fine. Lets now reason further. Why should there be a Rapture? Many will say the Rapture:

1) Is So that Christians do not suffer through the Tribulation.

2) Because Christians were not appointed to go through the tribulation.

Alright just by thinking about this we must ask ourselves:

1) Paul Peter and many of the Apostles and Christians suffered the greatest of all tribulation for 300 years. Were they appointed to die and be tortured while we are not?

2) If Christians are raptured so that they do not have to go through the tribulation and suffer, then why in 1 Thessolonians 4:16-18 are those who already died resurrected also. Can a dead man go through the tribulation also?

Folks it is so evident that the Rapture prior to the Tribulation is not a doctrine which any of the apostles or Christ himself taught. Rather to endure through suffering and to be strong during times of struggles looking to the end is what was taught.

For more information contact me at

Pastor Michael Salman

Harvest Christian Fellowship

Monday, July 4, 2011

Sentenced To Jail For Worship at Home

     On June 30th, 3011 the Judge Sallie Gaines sentenced me to 60 days in jail, $12,000 in fines and so forth.  What was the crime?  Having worship at my home.  That's right.  As some you know we have been worshipping at our home since 2002.  We have had bible studies, worship and so forth and since we purchased our new home in 2005 we have conducted some kind of worship and bible study in the house.  Even though our home is not open to the public the gathering of Christians at a private residence is against the law, according to the City of Phoenix Prosecutor John Tutelman.  John Tutelman has been the force and pursuer of this case and other cases which involved religious prosecution.  He was involved in the Methodist Church that was feeding the homeless, our home worship and our signage freedom of speech and religious exercise case.  It seems that he really dislikes Christians and what they stand for.  So we will continue to pray for him.  If God changed a man named Saul who persecuted the Church, later to become Paul, who knows what he can do we John Tutelman.  At least he does not have the power to crucify us or feed us to the lions. 
     Nonetheless our attorneys are fighting back and trying to get the stay in the courts.  Which will hold back the wolves until we can get some constitutional right questions answered.  Such as, are private religious gatherings permitted without a permit?  Do people who gather in their homes for worship required to convert their home to meet commercial requirements? 
     Until we can get a stay I am to report to jail on August 29, 2011.  So it gives us 60 days to petition the courts.  Some people have asked how I feel about that.  All I can say is, my other Christian Brothers and Sisters have suffered much more for much less.  All Daniel had to do was stop praying for 30 days.  All Shadrach, Meschach and Abendego had to do was bow down to an idol.  I know my God is able to deliver me from such persecution but if he does not, I will continue to worship Him and Serve Him.  As for me and in my house we will serve the Lord. 
     So many have asked what can you do.  Here is what you can do:
1)  Pray
2)  Write a letter to the Mayor, the Governor and Senator.
3)   Spread the word around to other Christan's.  Let them know.  The Christian community needs to stand against such unjust prosecution.
4)  Write a letter to the court.  Judge Sallie Gaines.  Let them know that the prosecution against Michael Salman is not in the interest of the public but rather is a personal vendetta.
5)  Nothing.  There are so many who will do absolutely nothing because they are procrastinators, lazy or just plain forgot.  If that is you don't worry, that is why my trust is in Christ.  Just pray it will make you at least feel better about doing nothing.  : )

     So let me answer a couple of questions:
1)  Do people who come to your home park in the street or block any driveways or cause traffic?  NO.  We own 4.6 acres and the 15 cars who park all park on our property behind a gate.

2)  Do you cause any excessive Noise.  Other than the occasional kids playing or people calling out to each other, no.  We worship at 10 AM and everyone gone by 1:00 PM.  We also worship at 7:00 PM usually Gone by 8:30 PM.  The nearest home is at least 100 feet from our home.

3)  Do you know why they do not want you to worship at your home?  Technically they are claiming public safety.  Reality, they just do not like the idea of a "CHURCH" being next to their home.  Despite it is my residence the thought of Christians or any religious group meeting together weekly is repulsive to some.  Even if the meetings don't bother them.

4)  Do you cause traffic or crowd streets?  Right across the street from us is a large public park.  With 4 basketball courts, tennis courts, a baseball field and a couple of soccer fields and of course the playgrounds.  What happens at my home on Sunday is minuet compared to what occurs across the street.

     So there you have it.  Here are some addresses for you to consider.  Please send me a copy of any and all correspondence sent to anyone for my records.  Thank you.
Michael Salman
Fax 602-424-0860

City of Phoenix
Municipal Court
Honorable Sallie Gaines
300 West Washington Street
Phoenix, AZ 85003
602 262-6421

The full mailing address is:

The Honorable Jan Brewer
Governor of Arizona
1700 West Washington
Phoenix, Arizona 85007
Telephone (602) 542-4331
In State Toll Free 1-(800) 253-0883 (outside Maricopa County only)
Fax (602) 542-1381

City of Phoenix, Mayor's Office

200 W. Washington St., 11th floor
Phoenix, AZ 85003
Phone: (602) 262-7111
Fax: (602) 495-5583
City TTY Relay: (602) 534-5500

Mr. John Tutelman
Assistant City Prosecutor
P.O. Box 4500
Phoenix, Arizona 85003

Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Devil Made Me Do It!

     Are people naturally evil?  I love a story the late Adrian Rogers said.  It is about a boy who was hitting his sister with a broom stick and calling her names.  His mother stopped him and said what has gotten into you.  The devil must have made you do it.  The boy answered, "The devil made me hit her with a stick and call her names but the spitting at her, that was my idea." 

     So many people claim themselves to be good people.  They care for their community, mother nature, they recycle, they love their neighbors, they donate to charities and so forth, but when it comes to God's people and God they are hostile.  The fact is people are evil naturally.  Even Jesus declared that the world is condemned already.  It is not that he came to condemn the world but to save it. 

     At a meeting I was at a lady in the audience asked me about the battle I was having with the City of Phoenix.  I answered that as an American I have the right to protect my rights and the rights of all those who want to practice their faith.  The lady commented that even though I was fighting the fight I should stop worshipping at my home.  I stated that I was not doing anything illegal and that is why I am fighting this and I will not stop because it is my right as an American.  When asked why I filed suit against a Police Officer, I stated that the Police Officer falsified information and tried to create a prejudicy against me that may cause harm.  This same lady responded with, "Well, you probably deserved it or else he would not have done it."

     Hypocrisy and double standards are at the core of humanity.  We call good evil and evil good.  We can blame all of the problems of society on the devil but as Adrian Rogers said and I approve, there is enough evil in the heart of man that there is no need for the devil.

     I leave you with one more funny story.  A man stood before God being judged.  The man began to explain to God that all the evil he did was due to the devil.  In which the devil in his defense replied, "I did not know anyone can do such evil, until I saw the what man has done.  They taught me."


Thursday, May 5, 2011

Have we become Communists....

Psalms 2:1-3 Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing? (2) The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD, and against his anointed, saying, (3) Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.

     These days we are seeing a shift of the balance.  That which was considered sacred in God has become the sacredness of the courtroom.  What has occurred in the past 10 years that has made this America become so hostile to religious excercise and worship?  People now look at the clegry and ministers of the Gospels as enemies to the State and the neighborhood.  That which was once so welcomed, admired and respected in communities has become a soreness to the eyes of the people.  The people who once protected the consitution and the freedom of religion are now fighting against it.  They yell, "NO MOSQUE!!!"  "NO TEMPLES!!!"  "NO CHURCHES!!!"  "NO CHRISTIANITY!!!" and eventually they are yelling and will yell, "NO GOD!!"  Those who have a desire and zeal for their faith are not finding comfort in the leaders in which they have entrusted to protect their rights but are rather now fighting against them and bringing them to court.  The leaders that God has placed in office are playing politics rather than standing up for what is right. 
     I assure you the sins of those who do such things will destroy them.  They who yell and fight against God will find that their lives and the lives of their children are now damned and at stake.  It reminds me of those who wanted to Crucify Christ.  They also thought that they were doing the right thing so it went: 

 Matthew 27:24-25 When Pilate saw that he could prevail nothing, but that rather a tumult was made, he took water, and washed his hands before the multitude, saying, I am innocent of the blood of this just person: see ye to it. (25) Then answered all the people, and said, His blood be on us, and on our children.


Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Did man make Up God??

     Have you ever heard of the idea that God is a man-made concept?  There are people in America and around the world that believe that Man for their own comfort came up with the concept of God.  Maybe you are reading this and maybe you believe this concept. 
     This morning I was reading Romans chapter 4 in the bible.  In this chapter the word of God declares that Abraham became a friend of God by faith before circumcision.  As I continued to read I thought to myself, "Out of all the signs that God can give why Circumcision?"  It was as the Holy Spirit spoke and said, "This is proof that man did not make me up."  When we go back to the Old Testament story God tells Abraham to circumcise himself and all the males as a sign of the covenant. 
     You see, man would have no problem cutting a finger, shaving the head, maybe even losing a toe, but it truly takes a belief that there is a God when you start messing around with the privates.  You can smile that is fine...  If I made up God, being a man that would be the last thing I would even think of doing.  Yet, Abraham and all did what God told them to do.  Circumcision then truly is a sign.  A sign that is private between God and the person (NO PUN INTENDED) and a sign to all humanity that God is real and not man made. 
     Today, god looks for a different circumcision.  The circumcision that God is looking for today is the removal of the flesh and its lust from our heart. 

Romans 2:28-29 For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh: (29) But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God.

     May the Lord bless you today as you remember the Love He has for those who call on His name.
In Jesus name.

Thursday, April 28, 2011


     As some of you know the orphans have been a dear thing to my heart.  Every year we have gathered family and friends and donated clothes, toys and money and given to the orphanages in Arizona.  This past week, glory to God a door has been open for us.  There are orphanages right here in the city right under our noses.  They are orphanages that take care of children who have been abondanded after drug raids, or such.  This is a call to all of us to step up to the plate and help.  We need to put our resources together and support and sponsor a couple of these homes.  Together we can reach and touch children and their hearts.  We are the Body of Christ a people called to do the work of Jesus Christ.  Let us gather and not only be people of words but people of action. 

In Jesus Name,

Pastor Michael Salman

David Wilkerson - A Man of God!!

To all those who are in the faith.  It is a sad day for the earthly kigdom of God as a giant in the faith has left this earth.  David Wilkerson known for preaching the gospel in boldness to the gangs in New York and starting the Times Square Church has passed away in a tragic car accident.  I remember coming to Christ and reading his book the Cross and the Switchblade and being so inspired.  I also remember Nicky Cruz's book Run Nicky Run and how he spoke of the preaching of David and his life.  As I get older I can only wish and pray that I can fit the shoes of these men who has passed on.  May the Lord continue to give me the boldness to speak and preach the gospel to the Lost.

In Jesus Name!!

Haman and Mordecai

     Esther 3:1-5 After these things did king Ahasuerus promote Haman the son of Hammedatha the Agagite, and advanced him, and set his seat above all the princes that were with him. (2) And all the king's servants, that were in the king's gate, bowed, and reverenced Haman: for the king had so commanded concerning him. But Mordecai bowed not, nor did him reverence. (3) Then the king's servants, which were in the king's gate, said unto Mordecai, Why transgressest thou the king's commandment? (4) Now it came to pass, when they spake daily unto him, and he hearkened not unto them, that they told Haman, to see whether Mordecai's matters would stand: for he had told them that he was a Jew. (5) And when Haman saw that Mordecai bowed not, nor did him reverence, then was Haman full of wrath.

     There is a Haman who does not like Christians.  A Haman who is against God's people.  I refuse to bow down or respect a person like that.  People like that are the dogs dung.  They are filth and full of garbage and wrath.  When Christians stand up against Tyranny and start dowing something for God there is a Haman who will try to rise up and extinguish them.  What the Hamans of this world have failed to remember is that there is a God.  A God who loves his people and hates the wicked.  A God who upholds the righteous with His right hand and strengthens the feeble.  A God who has promised that all things work together for good to those who Love God!! 

Esther 7:9-10 And Harbonah, one of the chamberlains, said before the king, Behold also, the gallows fifty cubits high, which Haman had made for Mordecai, who had spoken good for the king, standeth in the house of Haman. Then the king said, Hang him thereon. (10) So they hanged Haman on the gallows that he had prepared for Mordecai. Then was the king's wrath pacified.

     May God protect His people and may the plans of the Hamans in this world backfire upon them.  May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with those who call on His Name!!

In Jesus Name.

Monday, April 25, 2011


Have you ever been persecuted for Jesus Christ?  Many people will claim that this has never happened to them especially in America. 

2 Timothy 3:12 Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. 

1 Peter 4:16 Yet if any man suffer as a Christian, let him not be ashamed; but let him glorify God on this behalf.

     These scriptures give me comfort.  To suffer as a Christian is a blessing of the Lord.  Before I came to Christ I would get into trouble and I deserved it because I was a criminal.  But God through His grace delivered me and showed me how to live for Him.  Now in the eyes of some I am a criminal but this time I am a criminal for Jesus.  Suffering for Jesus is a blessing.  Even though I always thought it could not and should not happen in our Country I have found out it happens a lot.  The fortunate part of our country is that we have the ability to fight back through the court systems. 
     In other countries there is no recourse.  Rather they are criminals because they serve Jesus in underground churches.  You know, it makes me wonder what people who are persecuting me think of those Christian underground churches.  I mean I have had Christians comment on blogs and news articles that they can not believe that I as a Christian and a Pastor is breaking the law.  I mean what kind of Christian breaks the law??  I must be a fake or a cult or something like that.
     This past Friday I was watching the Passion of the Christ.  That movie makes me cry all the time.  It never fails.  Nonetheless, there is a part in there that resonate even in the Holy Scripture. 

John 15:18 If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you.

     I can truly say that the world hates me because of Jesus.  You see the world does not hate me because I cause traffic, or park on their lawn or cause excessive noise or even push my beliefs in their face or because every time I see them I call them sinners damned to hell.  I do not do any of that.  The only reason the world hates me is because I and a group of other Christians believers in Christ gather at my home on a weekly basis and worship Jesus Christ.  For that my family are persecuted and hated.  I am called a devil, false, money grubber, or whatever they may call me.  Jesus knows my heart.  So I remember these words.
Matthew 10:24-25 The disciple is not above his master, nor the servant above his lord. (25) It is enough for the disciple that he be as his master, and the servant as his lord. If they have called the master of the house Beelzebub, how much more shall they call them of his household?

    They called Jesus Beelzebub for healing the blind, raising the dead, preaching the truth, casting out demons and giving us eternal life.  What do you think they will call us?  At the end of it all Jesus rose from the dead while those who spoke such blasphemies and crucified our Lord were sent to await damnation.  So it is in our life, God will in His time have the last word. Until then, Anathema Maranatha! 


Friday, April 8, 2011

The Modern Thinker

     For the past couple of weeks I have been speaking with a guy to open the subject of the Bible.  So the other day I finally sprung the question. 

I said to him, "So I see you like to read?  Yes.  Have you ever read the Bible?  No, but I have a few copies of it.  Why have you not read it?  Because the bible has changed over the years.  Really, like in what way?   Well from the first bible to what we have now, there are different transalations.  (since he was reading a book called ARAGON I thought I would say this to him.)  So do you think they have the book ARAGON in different translations?  Yes.  Well it looks like it has not preventing you from reading it.  No.  Alright so tell me why do you believe the bible changed?  I don't know.  Even though some words have change the message of the bible has not, man is a sinner and in need of a saviour and Jesus Christ died for the sins of mankind. 

     By that time we spoke a little more and then he left.  He returned today so I asked him if he found the evidence of the Bible changing.  He replied no but he did not want to discuss the bible anymore because he just can't believe it and then ran off to his bus.  I am sure he would not have come in, in the first place but the food is so irresistable.  LOL

     You know it is always easier to believe in something you don't know rather than knowing why you don't believe in something you don't know.  I know why I am not a muslim, buddist, hinduist or such like and I can only think that these people know why they are not a Christian.  There are a lot of Christians who believe in Jesus and do not know why?  So we have a bunch of people who really do not know what it means to be a Christian.  The reason is not that Jesus has not revelaed himself, it is because people like that guy would rather live not knowing or wanting to know.  It is easier that way. 

     Folks the only way people are going to understand jesus or not understand Jesus is if they open the Bible.  Without the Bible we only have blind faith in whatever you believe in.  Jesus came to open the eyes of the blind not close them.


Is Your Church A Cult

     I believe these day many people have misused the word CULT.  So here is the definition:

1. a particular system of religious worship, especially with reference to its rites and ceremonies.

2. an instance of great veneration of a person, ideal, or thing, especially as manifested by a body of admirers: the physical fitness cult.

3. the object of such devotion.

4. a group or sect bound together by veneration of the same thing, person, ideal, etc.

5. Sociology . a group having a sacred ideology and a set of rites centering around their sacred symbols.

6. a religion or sect considered to be false, unorthodox, or extremist, with members often living outside of conventional society under the direction of a charismatic leader.

7. the members of such a religion or sect.

8. any system for treating human sickness that originated by a person usually claiming to have sole insight into the nature of disease, and that employs methods regarded as unorthodox or unscientific.

     Of course the definition has taken a bad spill to only have a negative connotation but let us look at it for what it is:
1.  a particular system of religious worship, especially with reference to its rites and ceremonies.

We are devoted to Christ.  As Christian we have what people call ceremonies.  Baptism, Eucharist or Communion, Marriage, Ordination.  This is all part of the Christian Church.  The Death Burial and Resurrection of Christ.  The Celebration of these and the looking forward of it.

2.  an instance of great veneration of a person, ideal, or thing, especially as manifested by a body of admirers.
We have a great veneration for Christ.  We love Him and the Faith in which we live in.  We are His body and the lovers of Jesus.  Our devotion should be so great that everything else should look like hate.  That's why Jesus said "you must hate your mother, father and brother to be worthy of me."  What this means is that our Love for God should be so much that anything close looks like hate.

3.   the object of such devotion.


4.  a group or sect bound together by veneration of the same thing, person, ideal, etc.

They all came together in one accord.  Acts 2.  Be of the same mind.  Philippians 2:2

5.  Sociology . a group having a sacred ideology and a set of rites centering around their sacred symbols.
(THIS IS BAD)  Even though Christians honor the Cross and its messages it is not to be treated as God himself.  Are you forced to bow down to statutes, crosses, pentagrams or other things?  Then you are in a Bad Cult

6.  a religion or sect considered to be false, unorthodox, or extremist, with members often living outside of conventional society under the direction of a charismatic leader.
(NOW THIS IS THE ONE THAT IS BAD)  Look at how this is fashioned.  Is your life lived under a Charismatic Leader.  Are you told what to do and how to do it?  Can you make your own choices?  Are you controlled in what to believe or not to believe about a grey issue?  If you do not believe in the grey issue are you rejected?  (GREY MEANING:  RAPTURE, PREDESTINATION, REVELATION)
You are in a bad cult.  If the above is what you are living.
   If you are rejected because you live in sin and a worldly lifestyle and called to live a Holy life for God you are not in a Cult you are in the TRUE CHURCH of Jesus Christ.

7.  the members of such a religion or sect.
????  I guess they mean of above. 

8.  any system for treating human sickness that originated by a person usually claiming to have sole insight into the nature of disease, and that employs methods regarded as unorthodox or unscientific.

(I think this was just added and a stretch on the definition)


orship with us can do whatever they please.  People have choices and decisions.  People can believe what they want to beleive in certain issues.  More power to them.  They have Free Will.  If people don't want to follow or do what is right that is their choice, not mine.  With that said, the moment they stop following Jesus Christ according to the Bible and stop believing in the essential parts of Salvation and the Gospel, Let them be accursed.  If you are part of a group of people who does not teach holiness, righteuousness, obedience and full devotion to Christ, but rather boasts on its programs, events and people than you are in a BAD CULT.  Galatians 1:9

     I am Charasmatic for Jesus, I am radical for Jesus, I am excited for Jesus, and I am His servant.  I will preach against sin, the ways of worldliness, fornication, homosexuality and other sins.  I will teach and preach to people to follow God, shun evil and live a Holy lifestyle.  I will give him all I have and everything I have.  My home, my car, my family and my life.  If that makes me a CULT than may I be the greatest of all CULT leaders.  In Jesus Name!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Hip Hip Hooray - Mom & Dad are gone...wait whose babysitting...the Pitbull!

OUT OF THE PAN INTO THE FIRE YOU GO!!!  Check this article out.....
Soldiers "told us to go. They removed our tents but we will stay. We want another government. We need civilian government. They want to steal our revolution."

Another man, Ahmed Abed Ghafur, said:
"This is a revolution, not a half-revolution. We need a timetable for elections. We need an interim government," not one by generals. "We need a (civilian) committee for a new constitution. Once we get all that, then we can leave the square."
Reports said skirmishes broke out. At least 30 arrests were made. Detainees were taken to a military compound near Egypt's museum where others arrested earlier were beaten and tortured.
Others worry that military authorities won't keep promises, including ending martial and emergency law rule. They're part of Egypt's ruling class aligned with business, other elite interests, Washington, Israel and the West.
Under Mubarak, they were hostile to social, political and economic demands, including human and civil rights, better jobs, higher wages, improved living conditions, and democratic reforms. Why now should they change, including by fulfilling promises perhaps made to be broken?

      What did they expect?  The Army is ruling and you want them to give power to who???  Civilians.  Yeah Right!  Wake up people.  The world and Egypt are going to be quite shocked when they come to find out the one who is babysitting Egypt now is the family Pitbull. 
     I am reminded by a people who yelled out against Jesus and said, "He is not our King.  Ceaser is our King."  Oh he gave them what they wanted and boy did they regret it.
     It makes me think about what we may be sacrificing and turning over in our life.  What have we given up for the sake of improvement or a better life only to find ourself in bondages.  Quite Scary isn't it.  May our eyes be open to the reality that God and the life in Him is the best choice we can ever make. 

In Jesus Name!!

Friday, February 11, 2011


     As I watched the news I began to hear that the Egyptian people were crying out and yelling demanding that the constititution be thrown out and a new one written.  Being a middle eastern and interested in Escatology I found this quite interesting.  What I really found interesting is how many americans on CNN and other News Programs were supporting such a move.  Can you imagine if this happened in America?  We would be considered traitors, defectors and cowards.  I know that many people believe the Egyptian Constitution is bad or corrupted and the people need a new one.  Yet, I think America butting in and pushing such an idea and support of this will back fire in our face as does anything else we do in the Middle East.  Folks why do we not get it.  The muslims in the middle east do not like us.  We are the devil.  Satan and the corruptor of lives.  In some point, just watching television I see what they mean.  Yet at the same time I believe they are the pot calling the kettle black.
     We can not become the hypocrites people have pegged us out to be.  I mean Egypt was all good and fine and then Obama goes to visit it and before he lands in America Egypt goes into a riot.  What happened?  We are like the uncle no one wants to visit or have come over because everytime they do they cause a big mess. 
     The must sobering thing is this is getting closer to the end times.  We are just slowly moving West and before you know it, it is our turn.  Jesus said it so it will come to pass.  Wait, I should be raptured by now.  Oh yeah I don't believe that.  It will be very scary as we American Tax payers start paying for Egypts Reform.  Yes, you heard it right we are going to pay for it.  Our money will go to Egypt and its reform.  Not only that I wonder who is going to take over and steal that money???  I guess we will have to wait and see.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Say Goodbye To Claude Mattox!!!!

Claude Mattox has been part of the City Council for 8 years.  Our City is now known of having the worst education and the worst jobs.  Claude Mattox is part of the problem and not the solution.  If he could not get it right in 8 years what makes him think he can get it done as a Mayor. 

The Record of Claude Mattox:

1)  Calls Christians who have bible studies out of their homes: RELIGIOUS ZEALOTS

2)  Prohibits Home Bible Studies and is against those who worship at their home.

3)  Believes Churches in Communities are a nusiance and have caused many parking and traffic issues and they need to be restricted.

4)  Voted Against Churches and religious institutions by changing parking restrictions.

5)  Refused to react when Christians called and sent letters requesting intervention to the religious prosecutions against Christians.

6)  When Christians were requesting help to the City Council Claude Mattox got up and walked off as if indicating he has no time for such foolishness.

     Claude Mattox is not the man for this City.  The only reason he won his district is because no one else ran against him.  He has neglected to become involved in the issues of our City when it came to immigration.  Even though his district carries many of the issues of immigration he remained silent.  He does not care for people who even stands for his beliefs but rather plays politics.

We need to say Good bye to Claude Mattox!!!  Pass this on!  Put this in your blogs, emails, on the web and search engines.  SAY GOOD BYE TO MATTOX!!! 

Plan Update...

Well we received our plan corrections from the reviewers.  I still can not believe that these are the things that need to be done to have private worship.  It is also coming to the time when the City of Phoenix need to respond to the notice of intent to sue.  It is going to be a very eventful week.  Suzanne and I are getting prepared to do the things we need to do to defend our rights and the rights of all those who chose to worship and have studies out of their home.  So please pray for us.  I want to thank all of you who have shown so much support for us.  Thank you. 
      One of the things they are requesting us to do is run a 600 foot taper running North from our property.  This will tear up two of our neighbors yards.  I personally do not understand why they are requesting such a long taper but if that is what they are requesting and we have to do it then we have no choice.  One of the traffic guys stated that we can appeal.  LOL.  NO WAY!  Appeal yeah right.  Last time we appealled we were sent through the ringer.  Not this time.  We will just do it.  The crazy this is that this taper will run almost all the way to Belmont the street just North of us.  Also a 150 foot taper running South.  It will look like a huge funnel into our home.  I personally do not get it but if so be it so be.  Of course we will fight the whole thing in our own appeal.  In the U.S. District Court.  So please continue to pray for us. 
     Also the Mayoral race is on this year.  Guess who is running for Mayor???  CLAUDE MATTOX.  Can you believe that, Mayor??  Not if I can help it.  Suzanne and I are contacting all our friends and making sure this man is not voted in.  NO WAY!  He needs to go.  Claude Mattox is not a friend of the constitution or of religious people.  This man has caused so much grief to us and other religious communities.  It is time for him to go!!  My wife and I are voting for Stanton.  We believe this man is a family man and involved in many charitable religious works, is the man who should represent and give us a voice in Phoenix.  As for City Council District 5, please pray because I am thinking about running for District 5.  I not only want to represent the people but also protect our constitution and the rights of the people and stop all those religious lawsuits that are costing our City 1000's because politians want to please the people rather than obeying the law.  We will also be looking to see who the canidates are who are running and try to find someone who has the same values as Stanton.  Please pray and please pass the word.  It is time that we as a Christian Community tell all those politians who have voted against us and against our rights that it is the end for you!  STANTON for MAYOR!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Our Legal Demand Letter

     Alright all you Christians, brothers and sisters in Christ.  All of you who conduct home bible studies in Phoenix, Arizona here is something you should know and hear:

TRANSCRIPT TRIAL August 17th, 2010

Michael Salman

"If i have a 30 minute bible study in my home on a weekly basis would I have to convert my home to a church."


"That is correct."

MS:  What if I have a Birthday Party.
FD: No because that is considered incidental use.
MS:  So bible studies yes but biorthday parties no.
FD:  Thats correct per the building official
MS:  So who determines whether somethng needs to be converted versus not be converted?"
FD:  The Building Officials Interpertation.

THIS IS JUST A TOUCH OF WHAT IS IN THE SCRIPTS.  THE REST WILL BLOW YOUR SOCKS OFF.  The person who decides whether or not your bible studies should be residential or go commercial is nto the law but a person sitting behind a desk.  I can only pray that this guy loves God or that his or her spouse did not upset them when they made these determinations.  Folks this is what our laws protect us from.  Individualized assements.  When people lay aside the law and rules and go by what someone feels than we have a problem.  This is not what our nation is built on.  We are a democracy and not a monarchy.  We sent this letter giving the City of Phoenix and their officials 10 days to make things right.  Otherwise we are filing a lawsuit.  We understand that this is a battle but it is one that is detramental to our faith and our practice of our faith in our home and even in your home.  May Christ give us the same wisdom and power that he gave those who preceeded us in this fight.  In Jesus Name!

Michael & Suzanne Salman

7601 N. 31st Ave

Phoenix, Arizona 85051



To: City of Phoenix Developmental Services, Planning Department, City Council Office, Mayors Office, City Prosecutors, and et. al. and To all and whom this may concern,

This letter serves as intent to sue. Your departments located in the City of Phoenix including the developmental services department and others are in violation of our constitutional rights. This serves as a 10 day notice to withdraw all prosecutions and harassments or we will be forced to file a complaint in the United States District Court for the violations hereby stated:

1) On or about May of 2009 Michael Salman was forced to appear in the City of Phoenix Municipal Court for City Code and Building Code Violations. The interpretation of the codes indicated that the activity conducted on the property of 7601 N. 31st Ave, Phoenix, Arizona 85051 was that of public assembly. Even though no proof has been shown that the Salmans were conducting Public Assembly, the interpretations that the religious gatherings on the property constitute a public assembly and so must conform to commercial standards. This negligence to the rights of the Salmans and a misinterpretation of the laws and codes is in extreme error. The City officials have taken the stand that whether public or private any religious gatherings of 2 or more people constitute a church and so must conform to assembly use standards. This in turn has caused a major and purposeful misinterpretation of the code. Further, after notification, the continuance of upholding this interpretation has caused and is causing a blatant and intentional violation of the 1st Amendment Right to Assemble, Free Exercise of Religion, The Arizona Free Religious Exercise Act and RLUIPA.


2) On or About January of 2009 the City of Phoenix Sign Department and Developmental Services began harassing the Salmans because they have religious decorations and declarations on the property. A cross and a reader board that declares scriptures and messages. The Salmans were informed that they needed to remove the signs or get a sign permit for the signs because they fall under the sign ordinance. The Salmans argued that this is their 1st Amendment Right to Freedom of Speech and Exercise of Religion, which cannot be regulated by the government unless there is some form of compelling governmental interest. Further the Salmans argued that these were not signs according to definition but rather expressions or speeches protected by the constitution. The City of Phoenix investigators and officials ignored such statements and on November of 2010 violated Suzanne Salman for erecting a sign without a permit.

In Conclusion,

The City of Phoenix City officials and investigators all John Does and Jane Does who are involved believe that they can trample on the rights of Americans and so violate them as they see fit. This type of prosecution is un-American. We live in the United States of America and should be protected by the government officials who have sworn to defend the constitution. Instead these same officials who were sworn to defend and uphold the constitution is going against it because of the few who complain that private religious activities should be regulated and controlled by the government.

This type of prosecution has caused and is causing great and irreparable harm to the Salmans including stress, grief and injustice. It is evident that the Salmans are highly religious people who stand on their religious convections and beliefs. If these violations are not withdrawn in 10 calendar days we will be forced to file a complaint in the court requesting relief and compensatory, punitive and actual damages.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Toys For Needy Families!

     I want to thank all my brothers and sisters in Christ who help make a difference in the lives of many people.  This year we delivered about 3-4 boxes of toys and goods to the family Shelter.  These were all donated brand new toys given by families in the fellowship.  The shelter and the kids were very very happy.  Each year families are effected by people like you.  May we continue to touch the heart of those in needs as we continue to give.  Thank you!

WANT TO GIVE:     Every year we help orphanages and family shelters with toys, clothing and finances.  Every year they are so happy when they see us coming because there is such a need.  As my wife and I give to those who are in need it brings out the joy that we have serving Christ.  Truly Jesus said it and it is true:  It is better to give than it is to receive.  In Jesus Name!

Thank you to all my family and friends and those who have helped this Year!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Its all good.

     This has been so far a very good and tiresome week.  Me and the legal team have been going through the transcripts of the trial and the letters and records we have kept over the years and I can not tell you how much there is.  It is almost as if I am re-living the trial again.  What is so shocking is the stuff that is being said by the invetigators and the inspectors and city officials during the trial and the emails and letters we have.  The lady working on filing the Federal Lawsuit even stated that she could not believe that judges would tolerate what was being said in trial and that how in heavens name does the law office allow these people to write these things.  She had been pointing out some very obvious violations of our rights that when we read it I could not believe that it was said.  As we are going through this and reading the statements that were said it makes me wonder whether or not the people saying it even realized what they were saying.  LOL.  At the same time we have an official record of what was said.  All that was said in court will be held accountable in another jurisdiction.  I said all that to say this:
     One day we will stand before God who has kept a record of all that we have said and done in life.  One day the books will be open and read and it makes me wonder whether we will be ashamed of what we did.  What will be an excuse to those who have refused Christ.  Those who choose to live their life without Jesus.  Those who live in sin.  If our court system which is made by man can keep such records what do you think God can do.  It is only through Christ can we be made clean and so find forgiveness for all our sins.  In doing that we repent and walk in His ways and find a life of joy and peace.  Thank you Jesus.  Amen.
     Now on another note.  We have submitted all our plans and we are moving forward.  I thank God for those who have been there financially, emotionally and spiritually and have continued to give us such support.  Without friends and family like that we know it would be very difficult.  Please continue to pray as we deal with the courts and the city.  We should have the lawsuit filed God willing in the next week or two.  So pray for us. 

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The countdown

     Grace to you and peace from God our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.  Well it is has been a most glorious New Year.  To be able to spend time with family and friends and fellowship under His annointing has been the greatest.  God is so good.  Suzanne found out we are having another baby girl.  I am rejoicing.  The baby is so beautiful.  We have been so blessed to have children and be able to raise them in the Grace of God.  Thank you Jesus.  The neighborhood has been so quiet ever since someone moved out.  It really does make a difference among neighbors when those who cause discension are out of the way.  All our neighbors have been waving hello to us and have been polite.  The Lord has been good.
      As for our worshipping it has been awesome.  God is so good.  I love it when my family and friends gather at the home and worship with us.  This last Sunday we had worship and afterwards ate together.  It is so cool to watch all the children and families play together.  The kids playing football and children on the playground.  I pray that the change to the proeprty will not effect this type of fellowship.  I mean right now it is so good and peaceful and to convert the property into a commercial entity may lose this type of fellowship.  It really is scary.  We will still continue to fight such a change but in the meantime continue towards it to make sure nothing is hindered in our worship to God.  I guess in the end whatever God's will is it is. 
      With that said, it has been quite an eventful and surprising turnabout.  Last week we received notice from and I am surprised to say, the ACLU who is reviewing our case and considering it.  They informed us that they can not take on the previous conviction issue but may file a lawsuit and injunction against the ordinance and regulations that state that such requirements on private worship are unconstitutional and in turn bring the conviction on these points invalid and reversal.   I know what many people may say about the ACLU but the fact is these days the ADF and ACLJ are financially challenged.  The ADF informed us that they will file an Amicus Brief supporting our position when we file in Federal Court.  So it is going to be quite the event.  We are ready and willing to battle this to the finish and whatever God's will is so it is.  We love our City and pray for our city all the time.  Unfortunetley right now our city is run by those who have no fear of God or consideration to religious freedoms.  Just last year alone 5 churches and ministries have been attacked by those in our city.  Christ the King and Cross Roads Church and Us.  Why?  Because they are listening to a community of people who do not like what God's Church is doing.  This needs to stop and we are praying that it will in the Name of Jesus Christ.
      Now on a good note.  All the plan revisions are done and we should be submitting those this week.  So at least we are moving in the right direction.  Be wise as a serpent and peaceful as a dove.  Meanwhile my brothers and sisters in Christ I plead for you to pray for me also as we go through the planning and court stuff.  I will fight for the rights of our family and not only ours but all those who worship in their homes.Please pray and pass this prayer request on!!   May the grace of God be with you.