Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Oklahoma Tornado, God's Judgement??

     The are many who have implied that the Torandoes in Oklahoma have been God's judgement on the United States.  Others on the other hand say it is not at all God's judgement.  So what is correct?
     I am a firm believer that God has an excellent scope on his judgement rifle.  What I mean is that if God was to bring judgement upon a nation, he knows exactly where to hit.  If this Tornado was in Washington DC or San Franscisco or if Oklahoma just passed a law that accepts same sex marriage, than I can see this, as God's judgement on America.  When God judged Babylon, He hit its capital.  When God had a problem with Assyria, He hit its captial.  When God had an issue with Sodom and Ghomorrah, He hit it direct.  Jerusalem with Judah and Samaria with Israel.  God was exact and He knew what and where to hit.  Amercia chases the all-mighty-dollar and so God knows where to hit.  The case of Oklahoma is completely different.  While I believe in God's Soveriegnity, God had nothing to do with the Tornadoes that hit Oklahoma.  In other words, nature took its course and the laws which govern our earth continue as they normally do.  What happens in the life of each individual that was effected by such a tragedy is where God will be.  Through this devestation many will find that God is there and always was. 
     It is always important to examine one's self to make sure they are in the faith.  Such a person who does so will find himself pure and right and free from the judgement of others and of God. 

Pastor Michael Salman